Potato pancakes with string beans
Ingredients (for 8 servings)
Potatoes - 780 g (5 pieces)
Green beans - 400 g
Onions - 85 gr (1 unit)
Wheat flour - 120 g
Large egg (C0) - 1 egg
Salt - 1 tsp.
Vegetable oil (for frying) - 4 tablespoon
Prepare the products according to the list.
String beans are good as fresh as well as frozen.
Peel the potatoes and onions and wash them. I have frozen green beans, so I thawed them in advance.
Cut the potatoes into arbitrary pieces and put them in the bowl of a blender.
Grind the potatoes on high speed for about 30 seconds until smooth.
Transfer the shredded potatoes to a deep bowl and put the green beans in the bowl.
Grind the beans on high speed for about 30 seconds.
Chop the onion in large pieces and add to the bowl of a blender and whisk for about 15 seconds, until smooth.
In a bowl with the potatoes we transfer the chopped beans and onions.
Add flour, egg and salt.
In a frying pan on medium heat heat vegetable oil. Spoon the vegetable mixture into the pan, forming pancakes, and fry for about 3 minutes on each side.
If desired, fried fritters can be placed on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.
The ruddy potato fritters with string beans are ready. We serve them to the table, if necessary, topped with sour cream or any sauce of your choice.
Bon appetit