Chicken pancakes with sorrel

Recipe photo: Chicken pancakes with sorrel It turns out that sorrel can be used to make more than just soup or borscht. Fresh sorrel is a great addition to the bright taste and chicken pancakes. In this recipe, the fritters are made from chopped chicken fillet, and the sorrel adds to their juiciness and very "enlivens" the taste, giving an interesting sourness. Chicken fritters with sorrel are definitely worth trying!


Chicken fillet - 450 gr

Sorrel (leaves, without stalks) - 65 g

Eggs - 2 units

Flour - 40 gr

Salt - 0,5 tsp.

Ground pepper (mix of pepper) - a spoonful (to taste)

Vegetable oil (for frying) - 45 ml (3 tbsp.

Products needed.

Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes.

Wash and shake the sorrel, remove the stems, and cut the leaves into thin short strips.

Put chopped chicken fillet and sorrel in a bowl.

In the same place we add the eggs.

Also add salt and pepper mixture.

Everything is mixed.

Then add flour.

Once again we mix minced meat well.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan (you need to make sure that the oil completely covers the bottom of the pan). And with a tablespoon we lay out the stuffing, forming pancakes.

Fry the fritters on medium heat for about 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden brown. Fry the rest of the pancakes in the same way.

Our ready-made chicken fritters with sorrel are done. Bon appetit