Draniki with fried chicken liver
Ingredients (for 3 servings)
Potatoes - 450 g (peeled - 330 g)
Chicken liver - 250 g
20 % sour cream - 1 table spoon
Onions - 50 gr (1 unit)
Egg - 1 egg
Flour - 40 gr
Sunflower oil - 80 ml
Salt - to taste
Ground pepper - to tast
Prepare the necessary ingredients.
Rinse chicken liver, dry it on a sheet of paper towel. Cut the liver into small pieces.
Heat a pan with 40 ml of sunflower oil, put liver in it and fry over high heat stirring frequently for 6-7 minutes.
Peel, rinse and grate potatoes on a coarse grater. Put grated potatoes into a bowl.
Peel and dice (or grate) the onion. Add the onions to the potatoes.
In the same place, send the fried liver.
Then add sour cream, beat an egg, sprinkle flour, salt and ground black pepper.
Mix everything well.
In a frying pan, heat the remaining sunflower oil. With a tablespoon pour into the oil potato and cookie mass in the form of flat pancakes.
Cover the pan with a lid and fry the potato pancakes over medium heat for about 4 minutes on each side.
Fry all the pancakes in this way. I got 10 pieces.
Chicken liver dumplings are ready.
Serve the draniki hot or warm, with sour cream.
Bon appetit